Thursday, December 9, 2010

American Made Tulle versus Chinese Made Tulle

One thing I market heavily with my tutus is that I use American made Tulle. How important to you is it to purchase American products and is it that important for me to stick to taking the extra effort to purchase American made tulle? 
The tutus I have seen that are made in China are very low quality in my eyes.  I have also heard concern for quality and safety standards for their products.  I have made sure that when I buy tulle it is American made and I still keep my prices in an affordable range even though most of my competition is anywhere from $5-$25  MORE then mine and don't have the detailed waistbands and have half as much tulle as the ones I make.  
I am very curious what you as a consumer look for when it comes to purchasing products.
Thoughts welcome!

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